
Ear Surgery

Ear Wax

Wax in the ears is a very common problem and can be quite annoying. it can cause decrease in hearing. wax is best removed by microsuction using microscope.

Hole In The Ear Drum

A hole in the ear drum can be a source of recurrent ear discharge and deafness..if the hole causes frequent problem, it is best to get it repaired.

Preauricular Sinus Removal

A pit in front of the Ear can get infected repeatedly and can cause abscess. Hence removal is recommended in non infected stage.

Ear Rehsaping(Pinnaplasty)

A bat ear can be very disfigurring but can be "corrected" surgically in pinnaplasty.

Nose Surgery

Sinusitis & Polyps

People can get sinusitis due to several causes including allergy.. Sinusitis can be quite bothersome and can cause frequent headaches etc. If conservative treatment fails, surgical intervention becomes necessary.

Nose block due to DNS

A blockage in the nose due to bent cartilage inside can cause breathing problem. it is a surgical problem which needs correction by an operation on the bent cartilage of nose,(DNS).

Throat Surgery


Tonsil can sometime become source of frequent sore throats. if conservative treatment fails, surgical removal of tonsil became necessary to improve quality of life.

Head-Neck Surgery

A swelling in the head and neck region including mouth & tongue can be totally harmless to something very nasty. They need urgent scans to exclude serious pathology. A biopsy is mandatory in most of the cases.

Neck Swellings

A swelling in the neck can be harmless or something very serious. Early scan can save lives.